by Chris | Apr 7, 2016 | Marriage Fitness Reviews, Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Review
Hey there Chris here again, I’m guessing you came across this article because you are looking for information about the marriage fitness tele boot camp by Mort Fertel. You probably cam across his program and you want to know what’s included in it and more...
by Chris | Jul 24, 2015 | Couples Therapy Online, Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Review, Mort Fertel Review
In this video Mort Fertel talks about the dangers of Marriage Counselling and why the chances are really good it will not help you to save your Marriage. He explains how traditional marriage counselling can actually make your situation worse. He also talks about how...
by Chris | Jul 18, 2015 | Marriage Fitness Reviews, Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Review, Mort Fertel Review
In this Marriage Fitness Blog about the Marriage Fitness Program by Mort Fertel I would like to take the chance to share with you some real user reviews by other couples who have found success and saved their relationship using the Marriage Fitness Tele Bootcamp. 1....
by Chris | Feb 1, 2014 | Marriage Fitness Reviews, Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Review
Official Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Site This little section of my Marriage Fitness Review Site is aimed at giving you a Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot Camp Review so you are better aware of what is offered in this 7 week, at home, private retreat. Marriage Fitness...